This scarf has been dedicated to my Jewish brothers and sisters who have not had a true rest at the table due to the war. As you wear this scarf: “Come to the table” may we lift up a prayer and stand in the gap for them. Let us believe that soon we will all be at the table together. For we are one. Be a hope giver. Never give up and may we continue to share this love in our hearts to those around us. We must NEVER underestimate the power of true love! Be the expression.
Come all who are weary, come all who need rest. It is time to enter into a new season of wonders and spectacular delights. Be refreshed and be at ease. Eat your heart out! Let your eyes feast on the new horizon rising up before you! For he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. He anoints your head with oil, your cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life and you will dwell in this house of love forever!
The Shabatt light is burning bright. The prettiest table clean and white. Bless the wine, bless the bread. It’s Friday night. Let’s sit at the table. What a delight. Rest for a while. Your heart will smile. Gaze on the blessings this past week. My heart will speak. Never-ending delish. Such a treat. Shabatt Shalom. Thank God we are home. I worship you God of my heart. I keep you on the throne. To enter in can sometimes be pressing. But once I sit down. You always bring the blessings.